Summer Trip 2018 launched!

Steiff Summer Festival, Hermann Spielwaren & Teddy Hermann
We have just put the finishing touches to this year's exciting Summer Trip, which runs from 29th June - 3rd July. Please get in touch if you would like the full itinerary, however here are the brief details:
Friday 29th June:
Morning: Travelling to Giengen from Heathrow.
Afternoon: Steiff Summer Festival including a visit to The World of Steiff.
Evening: Dinner at the local Italian restaurant.
Saturday 30th June:
Day: Free time at the Steiff Summer Festival.
Evening: Steiff Auction featuring exquisite vintage Steiff pieces.
Late evening: Fireworks and entertainment in the Steiff grounds.
Sunday 1st July:
Day: Visit to the wonderful historic town of Rothenburg and its teddy bear shop.
Evening: Dinner at our hotel near Hirschaid.
Monday 2nd July:
Morning: Visit to Hermann Spielwaren in Coburg.
This is our third visit and the main activity is the option to have a bear created for you and in the process learn at close quarters how a bear comes to life! We are the only visitors from outside of Germany who are offered this experience!
Afternoon: Visit to historic Coburg.
Evening: Dinner at our hotel near Hirschaid.
Tuesday 3rd July:
Morning: Visit to Teddy Hermann in Hirschaid.
Afternoon: Visit to Nuremberg.
Evening: Depart Munich airport for Heathrow.