The beloved classic character Peter Rabbit from the series of books written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter is brought to life in a live action/CGI film. In this adventure for the big screen, the mischievous rabbit and his family take over the farm, throwing an endless party of fruits, vegetables,...
The Tale of Mr Tod is a children's book written and illustrated by Beatrix Potter, first published in 1912. Mr Tod is an elegantly dressed fox with black ears and black whiskers, but his outward charm belies his devious nature. This beloved character has recently been brought to life in the Peter...
This beloved Beatrix Potter character has recently been brought to life in the Peter Rabbit live action/CGI films. Tommy Brock the badger has been crafted from beautiful black and white and tipped wavy grey mohair and he wears a handmade cotton gingham shirt and a jacket with buttons. Tommy Brock is limited...